March 01, 1999 <-OO OO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOO-> <-OO OO OO OO OO O O-> <-OOOOOO OO OOOO OOOO-> <-OO OO OO OO OO O-> <-OO OO OOOOOO OO OO OOOO-> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< This issue, we have a new writer! Shouts to ixl, who joins us from Canada. Ixl has a background in Windows 95/98, Linux, and FreeBSD. >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< HiR is an electronic publication that is written by real hackers and phone phreaks that have the desire to share information. We only publish articles related to hacking and phreaking. We don't cover viruses, stealing, carding, or blowing things up. As a general rule, we don't do many walk-thru's; occasionally we might, but we almost always focus more on explaining a given aspect in enough depth to help the reader understand why things happen. With that information, they may learn for themselves and discover many other things related to the article. >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< We are always looking for new writers. If you are (or were) in the H/P scene, and consider yourself a decent writer, send us some of your work. Our e-mail is or >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< Current Staff for HiR: * Axon (Editor, Official Site Webmaster, Writer) * Asmodian X (Writer, Editorials, Linux Psycho) * Frogman (Writer, Amiga Feind) * ixl (Writer, FreeBSD/Linux guy) * The Man in Black (Mirror site webmaster) You can find us at the following places (that we know of): Official HiR Distro Site: (Files & Links updated several times per month, check often) Official Southwestern U.S. Mirror site: (Web Site updated with each new HiR Release) Official HiR E-Zine Mirror (PacketStorm) (Search for "HiR", the genocide2600 box doesn't like direct links) Hacker News Network ( posts notices of new HiR Issues, and it's also a good place to get a daily look at the latest hacking info. >---------------------------------------------------------------------------< HiR 9 Article list Num Article Title Writer ---- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 1 Introduction/Table of Contentz HiR Crew 2 HiR 9 Informative Resources HiR Crew 3 Tales from the Mailbag (Letters/Questions to HiR) HiR Readers 4 Network-Tuned OS Overview (FreeBSD/Linux/NT) Axon 5 Creating the Coupler: How To Build an Acoustic Coupler Axon 6 Windows 2000: What is it and why does it matter? Axon 7 Novell Netware Inside Out Asmodian X 8 Some Red Hat Linux 6.0 info Axon 9 On Going Digital Frogman 10 Teach me how to hack !@# Ixl 11 HiR Hacker Newz HiR Crew